Through the Years…1983-Present
Ocean Isle Property Owners Association-Community Spirit at Work
Sponsored Food Pantry Cash Collection, 2009-2014…….$78,894.97
Welcome Banners on the Causeway
Sculpture, Lillah, commemorating OIPOA’s 20th Anniversary
Community Beautification
Handicapped Ramps and Gazebos
Life Saving Boat
3-wheel All-Terrain Vehicle
Defibrillators for the Fire Department
Ocean Isle Beach Entrance Sign
48 American Flags on the Causeway
American Flag, North Carolina Flag and Flag pole for the Round-About on 1st street
76 Trash Receptacles
Playground Canopies for the original playground the Land Conservatory built
Stage Canopy for the portable stage
Christmas Decorations along the Causeway
Picnic Tables at Shallotte Boulevard
Initiation of First Response Program
Members Merchant Discount Card Program
2 Mobi Mats at Raeford and Beaufort Street Beach Access
New Town Center Park $70,000 Patron
Donations to:
Police and Fire Department
Ocean Isle Sea Turtle Protection Organization
Museum of Coastal Carolina
Ingram Planetarium
Ocean Isle Land Conservatory
Summer Concert Series: 2000-2020(unfortunately, 2020 was canceled due to Covid-19)
Labor Day Sand Sculpture Contest
Super Saturday
Christmas Parade, Tree Lighting, Cookies with Santa
July 4th Parade
4th of July Fireworks Spectacular since 2014
Trash Bash
Annual Town Employee Appreciation Luncheon
Kite Day
Festival of Trees at Museum